July 25, 2012

PDR Network Donates $1,175.40 in Books


An OML shout-out of THANKS to Physicians Desk Reference Network and Jason Willet, Director of Medical Communications & Partner Relations. The company donated 12 copies of its Physicians' Desk Reference (PDR) 2012 edition. (Value of $1,175.40) PDR is a commercially published compilation of manufacturers' prescribing information on prescription drugs. It is updated annually and offers healthcare information tailored to physicians, nurses, pharmacists, physician assistants and consumers. The books will be used in formal education and clinical settings in Ethiopia and Malawi.

To learn more about Physicians Desk Reference Network, visit http://www.pdr.net/

July 19, 2012

Team to Hand Deliver Textbooks to Malawi

Los Angeles members of an American medical team visiting Daeyang Nursing College (DNC) in August, will hand deliver 250 pounds of medical and nursing textbooks. DNC is located in Lilongwe, Malawi. Its mission is to develop Christ-inspired and competent nurses who provide comprehensive, compassionate and culturally sensitive nursing care to individuals, families, groups, and communities in a global society. DNC's goal is to provide a collaborative teaching and learning environment to achieve this mission. The nursing college currently has a three-year diploma program and is trying to promote to four-year Bachelor of Science Nursing. The book-to-student ratio is one-to-eight.

A special OML shout out of thanks to Esther Kang, RN, with Healthcare Professionals Ministry, for her assistance.