November 25, 2010

A Thanksgiving Day Thanks

We received the books here in good condition, and we will get the books to their intended destination!

As I am writing this on Thanksgiving Day, the best to you and all of yours. We here are thankful for your generosity, support and consideration.

Here's a photo of part of the USAID component of Team N with the books. Some of the background gives you an idea what life is like in a war zone. Pictured are V. Myev and myself with two of our Afghan colleagues. They are part of what gives me hope and inspiration for the future of Afghanistan.

Best regards,

G. Roemer


November 23, 2010

University of Health Sciences Antigua School of Medicine Library

Paper journals are too text heavy for Afganistan. Over the last eighteen months, all OML journal donations have been sent to University of Health Sciences Antigua School of Medicine and Macedonia School of Nursing. According to Lyzette Román, Vice President Institutional Advancement and International Affairs University of Health Sciences Antigua School of Medicine, "All of these donations are a true blessing."
Visit the UHSA Website

New York College of Osteopathic Medicine Sends Textbooks to Jalalabad

On Friday, November 19, New York College of Osteopathic Medicine's student chapter of Physicians for Human Rights shipped Medical Textbooks to George Roemer for the Nangarhar University Medical School and the Midwifery Institute in Jalalabad. The shipment included 52 textbooks collected from our medical students. We hope they are of use to the students at these two institutes!

Thank You for the work you do and the opportunity to share our books!

Kristin Gotimer, MPH

New York College of Osteopathic Medicine - OMS II
NYCOM Physicians for Human Rights - President
